Upcoming events

Pinquins at nyMusikk Trondheim
New work by Øyvind Torvund and Sara Glojnaric, with hits by Kelley Sheehan and Raven Chacon

Pinquins #15: Talk Circus
New work by Øyvind Torvund, plus hit from Kelley Sheehan, Peter Ablinger, Raven Chacon, and John Cage. With Guoste Tamulynaite

Marhaug @ Cafe OTO
Pinquins play Almost Everything (2019), by Lasse Marhuag in collaboration with Pinquins at Cafe OTO, London.

PRC: Murder Ballads vol. 2 @ ULTIMA
Positive Reinforecement Campaign: Murder Ballads Vol 2 by Jessie Marino shows at Ultima Festival.
Jessie Marino, Pinquins, Inga Margete Aas, Emila Dorr

Pinquins lead Ricefall by Michael Pisaro at Kontinent Dalsland – festival för aktuell musik

Intervall by Pinquins and Kjersti Alm Eriksen shows in Dals Långed, Sweden, presented by Kontinent Dalsland – festival för aktuell musik

Skyggespill OSLO
Ane Marthe Sørlien Holen’s outdoor work, Skyggespill, performs in Oslo.

Premiere of Skyggespill by Ane Marthe Sørlien Helen, a performance in and with the forest.

PRC: Murder Ballads vol 2 @ SPOR
Positive Reinforecement Campaign: Murder Ballads Vol 2 by Jessie Marino
Jessie Marino, Pinquins, Inga Margete Aas, Emila Dorr

Intervall @ Levande Musik
Intervall by Pinquins and Kjersti Alm Eriksen presented at Levande Musik, in Gothenburg Sweden.

Only Connect
Pinquins premiere a new sextet by Øyvind Mæland, with guests Dagfinn Theodor Holte, Madalena Rato, Elvin Ingeborgrud Berg

- the time between events or states -
INTERVALL is a scenic composition by and with Pinquins (Jennifer Torrence, Sigrun Rogstad Gomnæs, and Ane Marthe Sørlien Holen), and Kjersti Alm Eriksen.
In INTERVALL we investigate the relationship between human and object, between conscious actions and mechanical consequences. We find ourself in the space in between, in the indirect, in the synapse gap where the signals become complex networks. We create a room where the distant becomes close, the heavy becomes light, where movement becomes sound from a distance, and leaves a trace.
INTERVALL had its world premiere at the 2023 Borealis Festival for Experimental Music in Bergen, Norway. It was funded by Arts Council Norway and Fond for Lyd og Bilde.
Artistic Team:
Pinquins, sound/performance
Kjersti Alm Eriksen, scenography/performance
Tobias Leira, light
Thorolf Thuestad, amplification/diffusion
Object Music
In collaboration with Ny Musikk Komponist Gruppe, Pinquins premeires works for objects/ post-instrumental practice by Astrid Solberg, Martin Taxt, Kari Sunde, Guoste Tamulynaite, John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal, Juhani Silvola, Elise Macmillan.

New work by Jessie Marino for Pinquins, Inga Margrete Aas, and Jessie Marino

A new scenic-composition premieres at Borealis Festival, created by Pinquins in collaboration with scenographer Kjersti Alm Eriksen

Almost Everything at ATELIER NORD: Lasse Marhaug
Almost Everything (2019) audio-visual installation at Atelier Nord.
Lasse Marhaug’s installation ALMOST EVERYTHING – created in collaboration with percussion trio Pinquins – attempts to translate electronic noise music’s aural and visual qualities into an acoustic expression.
A series of videos show everyday objects being knocked, scraped, and drummed on. Chains and bells are thrown and dropped on potlids and other surfaces. Resonating tones occur when a plastic ball is pressed against the edge of a porcelain dish. Sandpaper rubs against wood resulting in crackling sounds. Dozens of everyday objects are spread about on a table and filmed from above, in clear reference to the chaotic set-ups often seen during performances of electronic noise music.
The above-described videos are distributed across multiple displays and start and stop at different times. This approach allows for an element of indeterminacy, a constantly changing soundscape without repetition. By relying on chance ALMOST EVERYTHING could be said to reference historical attempts at detaching music from the concert format and predetermined score through electronic means. ALMOST EVERYTHING developed from of a series of acoustic live performances by Piquins based on Marhaug’s music in 2019.

In Residence at NORDIC MUSIC DAYS (Iceland)
In residence at Nordic Music Days with 3 projects:
Music of Lucatelli, Zach, Herland, Marino, Smørdal, Torvik Langerød
Improvisation with Marcela Lucatelli
Childrens concerts featuring Pinquins repertoire.

Arne Nordheim Composition Prize at Ultima: Jan Martin Smørdal
To mark Jan Martin Smørdal’s award of the Arne Nordheim Prize in Composition at Ultima Festival, we perform My Favorite Thing 1 for 3 percussionists.

In Residence at Kammerfest i Østfold
Lydens Voktere (music of Aperghis, Tamulynaite, Hirst-Kvam, and Marino), a collaboration with BAGS featuring the music of Jessie Marino, and a lunch concert with music of Tamulynaite, Zach, de Mey, and Herland.

Pinquinskonsert#12 LYDENS VOKTERE
Denne konserten er et rituale med lyd, fravær av lyd, lytting og stillhet.
I dag ser man knapt et menneske på gata uten hodetelefoner eller propper i ørene.
Har verden blitt så full av støy at vi er nødt til å beskytte oss fra den, dekke over den med enda mer lyd?
”Jeg vil nesten si at lyden er nødvending, - jeg unngår å tenke for mye!”
Setningen er hentet fra teksten til en av protagonistene i Aperghis’ ”Les guetteurs de sons”, og er skrevet i 1981 før walkman’en ble allemannseie.
I Martin Hirsti-Kvams nyskrevne verk ”Interiors” får publikum utdelt nettopp hodetelefoner, for å kunne lytte helt nært til det musikerne gjør og hører. Utøverne verner om lyden, tar vare på den, deler den mellom seg, og med publikum. Lytter til seg selv gjennom kinnbeina, gjennom leppene og munnhulen.
Jessie Marinos skarptrommesolo ”ritual i :: commitment :: biim” og Guoste Tamulynaites
”I am a flower” står med sine kraftige monotone rytmer i sterk kontrast til Hirsti-Kvams innadrettede fokus, og til sammen utgjør de fire verkene en helhet hvor trommene og hendene står i fokus. Sirkulære objekter, lydløse gester, insisterende ritualistiske rytmer.
”…og snart er det total stillhet. Du blir tvunget til å falle tilbake til deg selv og…”